As an essential business, we are open during the COVID19 pandemic. Our warehouse continues to pack and ship spare parts, and engineering and administrative departments are working remotely. We’ve limited travel to emergency cases only and are not permitting...
Middleton, Wisconsin: Pacific Concentrates selected Specialty Food Process Technologies to provide engineering services and processing equipment for three new greenfield fruit and vegetable processing plants. Pacific Concentrates will produce fruit and vegetable...
If your plant is long in the tooth, a revamp may be in order. We start with a feasibility study to create a revamp roadmap. During this study, we will examine all areas of concern as well as ancillary systems such as Process control systems and instrumentation....
Aseptic processing requires one to sterilize the product, fill a sterilized container, and seal the container with no chance for reinfection. Sterilization may occur through heat, radiation, high pressure, or other suitable means. Packaging requires clean-room like...
You bought your equipment with spray balls and have a new automated CIP system. Have you assessed the hydraulics to ensure that pressure losses are correct? Are there some agitators or ports in your equipment that are in an odd spot? If so, your product could be at...
Beverage plants typically treat municipal water or well water prior to use. One common treatment method is Granular Activated Carbon (GAC), which removes chemicals such as chlorine. GAC media is also a bacteria reservoir. One study found that GAC media is a...